Dust Control and Suppression Solutions
Suitable dust control and suppression can help improve worker safety, protect the environment, and reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses caused by exposure to airborne particles.
Applications we treat
What are common dust control problems?
Dust control has become increasingly crucial in the mining, civil construction, infrastructure, and renewables industries. This is primarily due to the need to address health and safety concerns, comply with EPA regulations, and enhance productivity.
RST Solutions has identified several dust control challenges and areas of concern in these industries. These include:
- Excessive dust generated by both light and heavy traffic on unsealed roads
- Reduced productivity resulting from excessive dust in various areas of mine sites
- High water consumption due to overwatering of roads
- Potential health and safety hazards for employees and local residents.
How can RST Solutions help to significantly improve dust control problems?
RST Solutions has developed a range of dust control and suppression methods, products and services to specifically treat each unique dust control problem and problem area.
Dust control products
Go to applications we treat for more information on the products available specific to the application.
Dust management
mechanical equipment
Mechanical equipment has also become a part of RST Solutions’ dust control solutions and has been further developed over the years with the assistance of strong partnerships and strategic alliances with likeminded companies.
Specifically designed spray nozzles, pumping equipment and truck washing equipment are just a few items RST Solutions’ offers. Contact us for more information on what mechanical equipment we can offer to assist you.
Total dust management
RST Solutions’ aim is to manage all its client’s project dust issues, so its clients can carry on with day-to-day activities in a safe and productive manner.
Total dust managed systems means that RST Solutions offers on-site support and
management, operator training and full reporting and validation on the application and progress of KPI’s. Working with fully qualified engineer’s means RST Solutions can provide a level of validation on the application of our dust control products.
RST Solutions’ total dust management system utilise:
- Leading edge products, equipment and systems
- Effective and economical solutions
- Customised recommendations
- Over 30 years’ experience assisting the mining industry with dust management
What are the benefits of using RST Solutions’ dust management systems?

Reduced dust emissions that
meet EPA regulations

Improved grading

Reduced roll

Reduced road

Reduced water

Improved tyre wear


Cost savings for

For over 30 years, we’ve helped countless clients drastically reduce their dust emissions. Let us help you achieve similar outstanding results.