Dust control and soil stabilisation products in Australia

October 27, 2017

Dust control and soil stabilisation products in Australia

Civil construction and mining companies are facing mounting pressure to control the amount of dust which is dispersed from their work sites. There’s a growing demand from state authorities for companies to operate various dust suppression and stabilisation methods to assist with the prevention and creation of dust, to avoid polluting surrounding environments. Many companies find themselves obliged to implement management and control systems into their work practices. The use of various dust control and soil stabilisation products in Australia has assisted companies to control dust through day-to-day operations.
Why use dust control and soil stabilisation methods?

There are many different ways in which dust and soil can disperse from sites and companies may wonder whether it is worth the investment to gain some control. However, there are several good reasons why it is important to use dust and soil control methods in the business, including: better management of stockpiles within the workplace, reducing the amount of dust which workers experience during their hours of employment; improving haul roads and site roads by better controlling dust and soil movement from those areas: reducing the cost of cleanup in both watercourses and nearby towns, and ensuring that the state’s environmental agency of the work being performed. These reasons mean that any company which wishes to operate in Australia needs to manage their dust and soil control methods throughout on their sites.

Managing dust and soil stabilisation

There are a number of different soil stabilisation products in Australia which can be extremely useful for any mining or construction company that needs to manage dust control and soil stabilisation in order to complete their project. These construction products are designed to reduce the amount of dust and soil that is moved around the site unintentionally, including via water run-off, and haul roads. The products are designed to perform a number of different roles, from liquids which are intended to bind with the soil to devices which assist to prevent soil from being carried into nearby water courses by run-off. Choosing the right products can be very important in ensuring that you get the best service possible for your company when it needs to control dust and soil movement.